Staff Selection Commission has released a notification to recruit 12,523 applicants for Multitasking Staff Posts. Elevate your preparation level with the updated edition of “SSC MULTI-TASKING RECRUITMENT EXAM 2023”, which has been prepared as per the New Exam Pattern issued on 19 th January 2023 by the commission. As the title name suggests, this book accumulates 25 Solved Papers from the year 2017, 2019, 2021, and 2022. Each Solved Paper accompanies detailed solutions for deeply understanding concepts. It also imparts immense practice with 20 Practice Sets that are based on the online exam. Serving as a complete practice tool for SSC aspirants, this book includes: 1. A practice manual for SSC MTS EXAM 2023 2. Prepared as per the new Exam Pattern issued on 19-01-2023 3. 25 Solved Papers and 20 Practice Sets 4. Detailed Solutions of every question 5. Online Exam based Practice Sets 6. Highly Useful book for Competitive Exams TABLE OF CONTENT Solved Papers (1-25), Practice Sets (1-20)