NCERT Solutions Physics 12th
p> A unique book containing Questions-Answers of NCERT Textbook based questions. This book containing solutions to NCERT Textbook questions has been designed for the students studying in Class XII following the NCERT Textbook for Physics. Important definition and Formulas are given in the beginning of each chapter .The book gives comprehensive solutions to the numerical and theoretical problems in the textbook. The book has been divided into 15 Chapters.
Keeping in mind this importance and significance of the NCERT Textbooks in mind, Arihant has come up with namely Electric Charges; Fluids, Current Electricity, Atoms, electromagnetic Induction, Alternating Current, Nuclei, Magnetism; Matter, Communication System, Wave Optics, etc. covering the syllabus of Physics for Class XII.
1. Electric Charges and Field 2. Electrostatic Potential and Capacitance 3. Current Electricity 4. Moving Charges and Magnetism 5. Magnetism and Matter 6. Electromagnetic Induction 7. Alternating Current 8. Electromagnetic Waves 9. Ray Optics and Optical Instruments 10. Wave Optics 11. Dual Nature of Radiation and Matter 12. Atoms 13. Nuclei 14. Semiconductor Electronics 15. Communication System
About the author
Arihant Publications is one of the reputed names in the field of books which has good books in the market. Books by Arihant include entire syllabus and information related to the competitive tests. Arihant publishes competitive, recruitment and entrance exam books. The experts have adopted whole new style of presenting the content which is easily understandable and as per the needs and requirements of the students
NCERT Solutions Chemistry 12th
p> The book covers Chemistry topics for the class 12 students in a comprehensive and understandable way. The subject is covered in depth for students while conforming to the latest syllabi and examination pattern and staying concise in the descriptions.
The book holds value as preparatory material for candidates preparing for their class XII board examinations and are also up for competitive entrance examination for prestigious engineering or medical colleges in the country.
NCERT paradigm problems have been simplified for easy understanding. The book covers topics like Solid State, Electrochemistry, Chemical Kinetics, Process of Isolation of elements, s- block elements, p-block elements, d and f-block elements and their properties, Coordination Compounds, halo alkanes and halo arenes, biomolecules, chemistry in everyday life, polymers and copolymers and Organic Chemistry.
Each topic has been approached with problems and their solutions to it for better understanding of the underlying scientific fundamentals. Special cases or exceptions to the applying rules have been explained with examples.
There are numerous exercises for the student to attempt and gain a wider concept of the topic. The difficult questions from the exercises have been solved with a step by step approach explained in detail. The NCRT chemistry solutions helps in augmenting knowledge about the subject that also does give an advantage, when appearing for competitive examinations.
About the author:
Geeta Rastogi, is a chemistry teacher of long years experience in teaching the subject for school students as well as those preparing for competitive examinations. She is the author of many chemistry books, many of which are additional study material for students appearing in the 10 or 12th board examinations of are to sit for competitive entrance examinations.
NCERT Solutions Mathematics 12th
p> NCERT Solutions Mathematics is an updated and revised edition that covers all important topics for students of class 12th. Beyond the school curriculum, the mathematical solutions in this book have also proved very useful for aspirants preparing for different competitive entrance examinations. This edition has been revised in accordance with the syllabus for 2015.
Beyond detailing a step by step approach for tackling each topic, explaining difficult problems with solutions that can be approached by more than one formulae, each section also covers the different types of questions that were asked in Previous Years’ Examinations from 2008-2015.
Not only that, but there are three Practice Sets that are included at the end of each section for more clarity and self analysis of the topic. By including very short answer type questions, short answer type questions, long answer type questions and value based questions, the book covers all relevant types of queries that could be asked in the upcoming examinations.
Furthermore, solutions along with appropriate explanations have been given at the end for understanding each topic in further detail. Even a self assessment sheet has been included with each section that enables a student to assess his/her understanding of the topic under self-timed test conditions.
In addition, the book features few CBSE Sample Question papers that do give students a better idea of what to expect about the forthcoming examination pattern. It is a complete book in itself for guiding students to get highest grades in Class 12th CBSE examination and also to prepare them for different entrance exams after higher secondary education.
About the author:
Prem Kumar is an engineer by qualification, who simply loves to take up challenging mathematical problems. He has written several mathematics books and many of them are for senior secondary school students and for those preparing for competitive examinations.