This boxsets includes the following Tittles
1. NCERT Solution Class 11 Physics
2. NCERT Solution Class 11 Chemistry
3. NCERT Solution Class 11 Mathematics
NCERT Textbooks play the most vital role in developing student’s understanding and
knowledge about a subject and the concepts or topics covered under a particular subject.
Keeping in mind this immense importance and significance of the NCERT Textbooks in mind,
Arihant has come up with a unique book containing Questions-Answers of NCERT Textbook
based questions. This book containing solutions to NCERT Textbook questions has been
designed for the students studying in Class 11thfollowing the NCERT Textbook for Physics,
Chemistry and Biology. The present Boxset contains NCERT Solutions Class 11th Physics,
Chemistry and Mathematics for students preparing for CBSE Class 11th Board Exams 2018.
These books have been worked out with an aim of overall development of the students in such
a way that it will help students define the way how to write the answers of the textbook based
questions. The books cover selected NCERT Exemplar Problems which will help the students
understand the type of questions and answers to be expected in the Class 11thExamination.
Also, each chapter in the books begins with a summary of the chapter which will help in
effective understanding of the theme of the chapter and to make sure that the students will be
able to answer all popular questions concerned to a particular chapter whether it is Long
Answer Type or Short Answer Type Question. The books have been designed systematically in
the simplest manner for easy comprehension of the chapters and their themes. For the overall
benefit of students the books have been designed in such a way that it not only gives solutions
to all the exercises but also gives detailed explanations which will help the students in learning
the concepts and will enhance their thinking and learning abilities. As the books have been
designed strictly according to the NCERT Textbooks for Class 11thand provide a thorough and
complete coverage of the textbook based questions, this combination for sure will help the
Class 11thstudents in an effective way for Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics."