Introduction: Why Social Science?
Theme A — India and the World: Land and the People
1. Locating Places on the Earth
2. Oceans and Continents
3. Landforms and Life
Theme B — Tapestry of the Past
4. Timeline and Sources of History
5. India, That Is Bharat
6. The Beginnings of Indian Civilisation
Theme C — Our Cultural Heritage and
Knowledge Traditions
7. India's Cultural Roots
8. Unity in Diversity, or 'Many in the One'
Theme D — Governance and Democracy
9. Family and Community
10. Grassroots Democracy — Part 1: Governance
11. Grassroots Democracy — Part 2: Local Government
in Rural Areas
12. Grassroots Democracy — Part 3: Local Government
in Urban Areas
Theme E — Economic Life Around Us
13. The Value of Work
14. Economic Activities Around Us
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(All books are 100℅ original and as per the latest NCERT syllabus. Prices includes Rs. 45 per book mandatory binding charges.)