Hornbill (Core Course)
Reading Skills
Lesson 1: The Portrait of a Lady
Lesson 2: We’re Not Afraid to Die… if We Can All Be Together
Lesson 3: Discovering Tut: The Saga Continues
Lesson 4: Landscape of the Soul
Lesson 5: The Ailing Planet: The Green Movement’s Role
Lesson 6: The Browning Version
Lesson 7: The Adventure
Lesson 8: Silk Road
Writing Skills
Chapter 1: Note – making
Chapter 2: Summarising
Chapter 3: Sub – titling
Chapter 4: Essay – writing
Chapter 5: Letter – writing
Chapter 6: Creative Writing
(All books are 100℅ original and as per the latest NCERT syllabus. Prices includes Rs. 32 per book mandatory binding charges.)