This book is based on the syllabus prescribed by NCERT and is especially designed for children studying in class 12. There are many students who find studying Mathematics to be a challenge. It is a known fact that the subject can only be mastered by regular practise and clear understanding.
The NCERT Exemplar Problems Solutions book proves very handy for students due to appear for their 10 + 2 board examination as it contains all the difficult types of mathematical problems that have been appearing in the previous years and similar one could be asked again. The module of the book is self practise and preparation purposes.
Not just for the NCERT board examination, the book is also useful practice study material for students due to appear for the competitive engineering entrance examination.
It serves the purpose of a question bank for the students and contains detailed explanations for both objective and subjective problems. It can also be used as a ready reference on the subject.
The book has been divided into thirteen sections, each one covering a separate topic with its own set of problems and the solutions that go with it. The question bank is comprehensive, and the questions put forth range from easy to difficult to very difficult ones. This has been deliberately done so that a student gains confidence after being able to solve problems demanding complex solutions to have better understanding of the concepts involved.
About the author:
The book has been published by the house of Arihant. An experienced team of authors, editors, proof readers and teachers join together to bring out comprehensive guides for various public examinations for Government posts. Backed with an experience of 15 years, Arihant Experts bring out with revised editions of carefully designed exam-oriented and exam-ready contents after intensive research and analysis.