NCERT Bharat Ki Khoj - Supplementary Hindi for Class 8 - latest edition as per NCERT/CBSE - Booksfy

NCERT Bharat Ki Khoj - Supplementary Hindi for Class 8 - latest edition as per NCERT/CBSE

Price : Rs. 92.00
Sale price Rs. 92.00 Price : Rs. 97.00
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  1. पाठ 1: अहमदनगर का किला
  2. पाठ 2: तलाश
  3. पाठ 3: सिंधु घाटी सभ्यता
  4. पाठ 4: युगों का दौर
  5. पाठ 5: नयी समस्याएँ
  6. पाठ 6: अंतिम दौर – एक
  7. पाठ 7: अंतिम दौर – दो
  8. पाठ 8: तनाव
  9. पाठ 9: दो पृष्ठभूमियाँ – भारतीय और अंग्रेजी

(All books are 100℅ original and as per the latest NCERT syllabus. Prices includes Rs. 32 per book mandatory binding charges.)

Customer Reviews

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NCERT Bharat Ki Khoj - Supplementary Hindi for Class 8 - latest edition as per NCERT/CBSE

B srikanthreddy Reddy

NCERT Bharat Ki Khoj - Supplementary Hindi for Class 8 - latest edition as per NCERT/CBSE

Bajeesh Balakrishnan
Thank you Note - For delivering Bharat Ki Khoj

Even though it was miss at the Booksfy end for not sending the book 'Bharat Ki Khoj' in the first attempt, but it was realized from our end that this book was missing and after 3 months of time, it was intimated to Booksfy about the missing book from the lot, they delivered it to us. There were few back and forth email exchange, but the final result was a thumbs up! Thank you Booksfy.

Suchibrata Sen

NCERT Bharat Ki Khoj - Supplementary Hindi for Class 8 - latest edition as per NCERT/CBSE

Resmi Hari

NCERT Bharat Ki Khoj - Supplementary Hindi for Class 8 - latest edition as per NCERT/CBSE