Olympiad Workbook Combo comprises 6 Workbooks in various disciplines and 1 Reasoning Workbook that is useful during the preparation for National Science Olympiad (NSO), International Mathematics Olympiads (IMO), National Cyber Olympiad (NCO), International General Knowledge Olympiad (IGKO), International English Olympiad (IEO) & Olympiad Reasoning Workbook. To help the student enhance their Olympiad Skills, the books in Olympiad Workbook Combo Comprises the following features-
To help the student enhance their Olympiad Skills, the books in Olympiad Workbook Combo Comprises the following features-
- The Concepts inside the books are curated in an interactive and fun-filled manner through colorful illustrations and easy language.
- The level-wise exercises inside the book help in a gradual increase of level and at the same time, provide practice of questions of all basic and higher levels.
- The Sample OMR sheet inside the Workbook and Reasoning book helps in providing an Olympiad exam-like practice.
- The answer keys inside the Workbooks and Reasoning books assist the students during the self-evaluation of the subject.