"1. Lab Manual for Mathematics to class 12th is prepared on the CBSE Guidelines
2. Covers all the section of Practical syllabus of Mathematics
3. This manual allows the better understanding of topics with proper illustrations
4. All 27 activities is provided with complete description
5. “Necessary concept related to Activity” is a special features of this manual
6. Serves as a guide for conducting experiments explaining the relevance of each step with observations and calculations with each experiment.
7. 4 Projects have been given at the end of the manual
8. Viva Voce questions are provided with each activity to test the level for better understanding
Mathematics is a practical subject in which scoring marks is easy if the concepts, formulae, theories are well understood by the students. This subject carries 20 marks for internal Assessment.
This lab manual of Mathematics of Class 12 th is strictly prepared according to CBSE Guidelines, each and every activity is explained in simple, lucid in step-by-step procedure, with accurate diagrams, observations and calculations that too be in an interactive manner. The special feature of this manual is “Necessary concept related to Activity” is provided with it. Viva Voce questions are provided with each activity to test the level of understanding students.
The Purpose of The Mathematics Laboratory, Role of Mathematics Laboratory in Teaching- Learning, Management and Maintenance of Laboratory, Materials and Equipments for Mathematics Laboratory, Activities (1-27), Projects (1- 4)."