- Coverage of the entire syllabus into 5 sections
- Project Report
- Inter-Disciplinary Project
- Periodic Assessment
- Sample Question Papers (1-5)
- Chapter Intro: all the contents of each chapter are listed
- Complete Theory: contains the necessary study material well supported by definitions, facts, figures, etc.
- Try These: a set of questions given in between the text to assess the understanding
- NCERT Folder: covered questions of the NCERT Textbook with their detailed answers
- Assessment Exercise: at the end of each chapter, there are unsolved questions for
- practice and assessment of students
- Review Exercise: covers all types of questions like Extract Based Questions, Very Short Answer, etc. for practice
- Project Report, Inter-Disciplinary Project, and Periodic Assessment are included at the end
- Sample Question Papers: given at the end, exactly based on the latest syllabus and pattern of examination
- The best-selling series is all new and revised as per the CBSE syllabus
- Offers Mind Maps for complete study and Competency Based Questions for
- practice
- Presents the entire NCERT Textbook in a logical and accessible manner
India and the Contemporary World-I (History), Contemporary India-I (Geography), Democratic Politics-I (Political Science), Economics, Disaster Management, Project Report, Inter-Disciplinary Project, Periodic Assessment, Sample Question Papers (1-5)