NCERT books are not only considered as best study materials for CBSE board exams but also for some highly competitive exams such as NEET, JEE (Main & Advance), etc. The series "NCERT SOLUTIONS" for class VI-XII offers a complete package of the syllabus along with well-explained chapters of every subject in a concise way. Here's reintroducing the freshly updated edition of the NCERT Exercises' Solutions series "NCERT SOLUTIONS- SCIENCE" which has been consciously designed for class X students. This book provides a complete solution to all the chapter exercises of the NCERT book along with detailed explanations to grasp the concepts easily and enhance thinking and learning abilities. To get a quick recap of each concept, two Additional features, that is, Explanatory Solutions & Notes are also included in each chapter. This book also covers solutions to selected problems of NCERT Exemplar Problems. A comprehensive Exercise solution book of NCERT Provides a complete solution to NCERT science Detailed Explanations to understand each concept easily Additional features include Explanatory Solutions & Notes Covers solutions of NCERT Exemplar Problems TABLE OF CONTENT: Chemical Reactions and Equations, Acids, Bases and Salts, Metals and Non-Metals, Carbon and Its Compounds, Periodic Classification of Elements, Life Processes, Control and Coordination, How do Organisms Reproduce, Heredity and Evolution, Light: Reflection and Refraction, The Human Eye and the Colourful World, Electricity, Magnetic Effects of Electric Current, Sources of Energy, Our Environment, Sustainable Management of Natural Resources