NCERT books are not only considered as best study materials for CBSE board exams but also for some highly competitive exams such as NEET, JEE (Main & Advance), etc. The series “NCERT SOLUTIONS” for class VI-XII offers a complete package of the syllabus along with well-explained chapters of every subject in a concise way. Here’s reintroducing the freshly updated edition of the NCERT Exercises’ Solutions series “NCERT SOLUTIONS- ECONOMICS” which has been consciously designed for class XII students. This book provides a complete solution to all the chapter exercises of the NCERT book along with detailed explanations to grasp the concepts easily and enhance thinking and learning abilities. Along with this, points for how to approach answers are also provided to cover all the loopholes which may lead to confusion. The book offers: A comprehensive Exercise solution book of NCERT Provides a complete solution to NCERT Economics Detailed Explanations to understand each concept easily Points for how to approach answers to solve a problem All formulae and hints are discussed in full detail TABLE OF CONTENT PART A: Introduction, Theory of Consumer Behaviour, Production and Costs, The Theory of the Firm under Perfect Competition, Market Equilibrium, Non-Competitive Markets, PART B: Introduction, National Income Accounting, Money and Banking, Determination of Income and Employment, Government Budget and the Economy, Open Economy Macroeconomics