Questions are prepared to develop critical thinking skills & assess the understanding of students. To score high in exams, students must be well-versed with each chapter of NCERT books. Grab the updated edition of “NCERT QUESTIONS-ANSWERS- ENGLISH LANGUAGE & LITERATURE”, which has been designed for the class 10 students. Dividing the syllabus into 3 sections, this book provides all the answers to textbook-based questions of “First Flight & Footprints Without Feet” in a well-detailed manner. Along with this, points for how to approach answers are also provided to cover all the loopholes which may lead to confusion. Detailed summary of each chapter will make students deeply understand each chapter and answer all possible Question types. This book offers: A comprehensive tool for NCERT English language & literature questions Syllabus is divided into 3 Major Sections Provides all the answers of textbook-based Questions Points for how to approach answers Detailed summary of each chapter TABLE OF CONTENT: PROSE (A Letter to God, Nelson Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom, Two Stories about Flying, From the Diary of Anne Frank, The Hundred Dresses- 1, The Hundred Dresses-II, Glimpses of India, Mijbil the Otter, Madam Rides the Bus, The Sermon at Benares, The Proposal), POETRY (Dust of Snow, Fire and Ice, The Tiger in the Zoo, How to Tell Wild Animals, The Ball Poem, Amanda, Animals, The Trees, Fog, The Tale of Custard the Dragon, For Anne Gregory), SUPPLEMENTARY READER (A Triumph of Surgery, The Thiefs Story, The Midnight Visitor, A Question of Trust, Footprints Without Feet, The Making of a Scientist, The Necklace, The Hack Driver, Bholi, The Book that Saved the Earth)