Arihant All In One Science, Social Science, Mathematics, English and Hindi Class 6th Based On Latest NCERT For CBSE Exams 2025 | Mind map | All type of Questions, MCQs, Extract Based, VSA, SA & LA (Set of 5 Books)

Arihant All In One Science, Social Science, Mathematics, English and Hindi Class 6th Based On Latest NCERT For CBSE Exams 2025 | Mind map | All type of Questions, MCQs, Extract Based, VSA, SA & LA (Set of 5 Books)

Price : Rs. 899.00
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This combo set consists of:

All-In-One Class 6 English
All-In-One Class 6 Science
All-In-One Class 6 Mathematics
All-In-One Class 6 Hindi
All-In-One Class 6 Social Science
Unique Features of these books are:

 Chapter Summary: In each chapter, the summary is given in simple & easy to
understand language
 Knowledge Plus: Additional but informational matter related to the given concept
 Topic Division: To make students understand the chapter in a smooth, part-by-part
 Terms in Footnote: Meaning or definition of important words/terms given on the pages
 Note It: Given in the theory to focus on the important points related to the concepts
 Word Meaning: Difficult words are given along with their meaning
 Science Insight: Additional but informative matter related to the science concepts
 Boxed Matter: Information given in the boxes is related to the concept, explaining daily
life phenomena
 Try These: A set of 3-5 questions given in between texts
 Illustrative Figures, Science Glossary to list important scientific terms used in the chapter
with definition, and Let’s Investigate section with scientific activity at the end of the
 Formats in Writing Section: Standard format is given to help in learning the proper
format of each writing task
 पाठ का सार: प्रत्येक अध्याय में NCERT Theory का सरल शब्दों में coverage किया हुआ है
 शब्दार्थ: पाठ्यक्रम के प्रत्येक अध्याय में दिए गए कठिन शब्दों को उनके सरल अर्थ के साथ दिया गया है
 लेखन खंड में प्रारूप (Format): लेखन के प्रत्येक अध्याय में अध्याय से सम्बंधित महत्वपूर्ण प्रारूपों को समझाया
गया है
 NCERT Folder: Coverage of questions from NCERT Textbook (Intext & Exercise) with
their detailed answers

 Review Exercise: Covers all types of questions like Extract Based Questions, Very Short
Answer, etc. for practice
 Assessment Exercise: At the end of each chapter, there are unsolved questions for
practice and assessment of students
 Sample Question Papers based on the probable exam pattern at the end of the book

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