This combo set consists of:
All-In-One Class 6 English
All-In-One Class 6 Science
All-In-One Class 6 Mathematics
All-In-One Class 6 Hindi
All-In-One Class 6 Social Science
Unique Features of these books are:
Chapter Summary: In each chapter, the summary is given in simple & easy to
understand language
Knowledge Plus: Additional but informational matter related to the given concept
Topic Division: To make students understand the chapter in a smooth, part-by-part
Terms in Footnote: Meaning or definition of important words/terms given on the pages
Note It: Given in the theory to focus on the important points related to the concepts
Word Meaning: Difficult words are given along with their meaning
Science Insight: Additional but informative matter related to the science concepts
Boxed Matter: Information given in the boxes is related to the concept, explaining daily
life phenomena
Try These: A set of 3-5 questions given in between texts
Illustrative Figures, Science Glossary to list important scientific terms used in the chapter
with definition, and Let’s Investigate section with scientific activity at the end of the
Formats in Writing Section: Standard format is given to help in learning the proper
format of each writing task
पाठ का सार: प्रत्येक अध्याय में NCERT Theory का सरल शब्दों में coverage किया हुआ है
शब्दार्थ: पाठ्यक्रम के प्रत्येक अध्याय में दिए गए कठिन शब्दों को उनके सरल अर्थ के साथ दिया गया है
लेखन खंड में प्रारूप (Format): लेखन के प्रत्येक अध्याय में अध्याय से सम्बंधित महत्वपूर्ण प्रारूपों को समझाया
गया है
NCERT Folder: Coverage of questions from NCERT Textbook (Intext & Exercise) with
their detailed answers
Review Exercise: Covers all types of questions like Extract Based Questions, Very Short
Answer, etc. for practice
Assessment Exercise: At the end of each chapter, there are unsolved questions for
practice and assessment of students
Sample Question Papers based on the probable exam pattern at the end of the book