- Coverage of 10 chapters
- Sample Question Papers (1-5)
- CBSE Examination Paper 2024
- Latest CBSE Sample Paper
- In this Chapter: all the contents of each chapter are listed
- Complete Theory: contains the necessary study material well supported by definitions, facts, figures, etc.
- Boxed Matter: information given in the boxes is related to the explanation of daily life phenomena related to the concept given
- Topical Exercises: assess the understanding of related concepts in a smooth, part-by-part manner
- Illustrative Figures: to make the concepts completely visible
- Chapter Summary: a summary of the chapter is given at the end to revise the chapter quickly.
- NCERT Questions: to help students completely understand NCERT books, solutions of selected NCERT questions have been given in each chapter
- NCERT Exemplar Problems: each chapter has selected problems from NCERT exemplar
- Exam Pattern Exercise: covers all types of questions like Extract Based Questions, Very Short Answer, etc. for practice
- CBSE Examination Paper 2024, Sample Question Papers & Latest CBSE Sample Paper: given at the end, exactly based on the latest syllabus and pattern of examination
- The best-selling series, all-new and revised as per the CBSE syllabus
- Offers Mind Maps for complete study and Competency Based Questions for practice
- Presents the entire NCERT Textbook in a logical and accessible manner
Solutions, Electrochemistry, Chemical Kinetics, d-and f-Block Elements, Coordination Compounds, Haloalkanes and Haloarenes, Alcohols, Phenols and Ethers, Aldehydes, Ketones and Carboxylic Acids, Amines, Biomolecules, Sample Questions Papers (1-5), CBSE Examination Paper 2024, Latest CBSE Sample Paper